
Dry coolers & chillers

Dry coolers

SEE Cooling recommends dry coolers with speed-controlled EC fans due to their low power consumption and quiet operation, for example the AIA VX2 range. They come in standard sizes optimized to use with SEE Rack.

In a system with ground collectors the dry cooler is used for free cooling for over 80% of the year depending on the geographic location, transferring to geothermal energy when outdoor temperatures reach 15 to 20°C.

In systems with Chillers the dry coolers are in operation for both free cooling and, due to outdoor temperature conditions, for condensing heat dissipation from the chillers.


SEE Cooling Concept without ground collectors utilize conventional chillers to take up the peak load in the cooling system. This Equipment is dimensioned to meet cooling demand during periods when 100% free cooling is impossible.

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Looking for cooling products or services? Find out more about what SEE Cooling is doing in energy efficient cooling.

    SEE Cooling AB

    Address: > Telefonstigen 4
    131 39 Nacka   

    Postal address: Box 2023
    SE-13102 Nacka

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    Phone: +46 (0) 733 117214

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